Do you know the difference
between past, present, and
We own the present.
The past and the future
are where we borrow
In depression we borrow
regret from the past.
In anxiety we borrow
worry and fear from the
In the present we find
gratitude, and the
ability to take
To build motivation,
I remind myself that
I will not regret
taking action right now.
It can be hard to prepare
for work tomorrow in
advance, but I will
thank myself tomorrow.
I could wait to have that difficult
conversation, but I risk
losing my ability to do so
in a calm adult manner.
Tomorow will likely
increase the list of wrongs
to an unbearable level.
As kids we always talked
about "when I am this age"
or "when I grow up"
and missed what we were
able to do right then.
Take hold of your
the POWER of
right now.
Right now,
you are good enough
Right now,
you can
Right now,
is all you ever
really have.
There is no gift like
Take a regret
discover what you
could have done
differently and
do something like that
Take a dream
discover what the
first step has to be
and do that NOW.
Lightbulb Moment! My greatest accomplishment is what I am doing right now.
Done is more achievable than perfect!
