Do you ever feel stuck?
Maybe hopeless,
or like a failure.
If you are still breathing
and reading this post,
feelings aren't
It may be the perfect
time to stop and
What is something
you prayed for
or hoped for,
that you now
Where were you
or what were you
focused on a year
It never ceases to
amaze me when I
think about where
I have been and
where I am now.
I have learned some
things and done
some things and
gained some
things and I am
grateful for where
I am today.
Think back to
a grade in school
or a difficult job.
You felt like it would
never end and you
wanted to give up,
you didn't.
Now it is a distant
memory and no
longer the huge
obstacle that you
thought would
crush you.
With that in mind,
imagine what you
could do, have or
become in the next
3, 6, or 12 months.
It doesn't have to be
logical, practical,
or realistic.
It does have to align
with your values and
be meaningful to you.
Visualize what it would
feel like
look like
smell like
taste like
sound like
enjoy the moment.
Now don't give up.
Keep going.
Make a note of what
life is like now,
one day soon, you
will look back and
be amazed at
how much you have
done, gained, and
