Social Wellness is developing
a sense of connection,
and a
well-developed support system.
Think about it,
for the first 9 months
of your existence in
this world you were
intimately connected
to another human being.
Connection does not have to
mean trauma or abuse.
Belonging does not make
you weak.
It is how we are wired and
an essential human NEED.
How often do you feel,
empty, lonely, or
If your answer is sometimes
or a lot keep reading.
Change is possible.
If your answer is never
keep reading.
Someone you know
needs to hear this.
Fulfilling and loving
relationships are coming
your way.
As long as you are on the
Earth, your existence matters.
There is always someone
who will listen.
Give yourself compassion
and grace.
Take an interest in others by
joining a group or volunteering.
Find out who others trust and
become their friend.
Join our Thriving Facebook
community at
Lightbulb Moments LLC.