You are not a victim.
You decide.
The words you choose to speak
The relationships you maintain or don’t
How you spend your time
Whether you take care of yourself
Your personal finances
The amount of physical activity you complete within a day
How nice you are to yourself in your head
Affection you give to others
How organized your car is
Your facial expressions
The time you wake up in the morning
Whether you worry about what others are thinking about you
Your body language
What you choose to think about
Whether you complain about things or don’t
16. How often you check or post on social media
The clothes that you wear and how you feel in them
How you nourish your body
How you believe people perceive you
How many risks you are willing to take
What you believe about yourself matters.
Your thoughts create feelings, which
determine your actions.
We are not ALL powerful,
but we do have power.
When we give our power away,
we make ourselves a victim.
You cannot control what happens
to you. For example, I have no
control over whether or not
it rains. I can however
Prepare for the possibility
Pursue inside activities
Prevent getting wet
When the retreat I was planning
had to be postponed, I had no
control. But I did
Have a backup plan
Ask for help
Accept it and move on
Abuse, Neglect, and Trauma are
not your fault. You did not cause it
and you do not deserve. Period.
In that moment your control was
misplaced. 5, 10, 15, 20 years
later you may think it is too late
for you.
I promise, it is not too late.
*Take your voice back
*Take your body back
*Take your self-love back
*Take your future back
*Take your fill in the blank back
Decide today
I am not a Victim,
I am a Survivor,
Who is Striving to
Overcome and will one day
Lightbulb Moment! Though I fail, I am not a failure and I will fail forward!
Next Step: Connect with a life coach by messaging Lightbulb Moments LLC right now.
